272 research outputs found

    Agyi receptor-rendszerek vizsgálata neurológiai kórképekben: speciális és hagyományos autoradiográfiás módszerek alkalmazása Parkinson-kórban, Alzheimer-kórban és az öregedés során = Brain receptor-systems in neurological disorders: special and conventional autoradiographic methods in investigation of Parkinson-disease, Alzheimer-disease and aging

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    Parkinson kórban a nucleus caudatusban a krónikus l-DOPA kezelésnek betudható csökkent dopamin D2/D3 receptor sűrűség mellett a receptor–G protein jelátvitel kontroll szinten marad, mely funkcionális kompenzáció megnyilvánulása lehet. A gyrus frontalis medialis és gyrus cinguli változatlan dopamin D2/D3 receptor denzitása és szenzitivitása alátámasztja a különböző agyi régiók eltérő mértékű érintettségét és az extrasztriatális tünetek fokozatos megjelenését a Parkinson kór progressziója során. Az új tipusú 125I-SD7015 CB1R ligand nagy érzékenységgel detektálta a CB1R sűrűségbeli különbségeket kontroll és Alzheimer kóros prefrontális minták között. Az Alzheimer kór (AK) korai stádiumaiban tapasztalt szignifikáns CB1R denzitás emelkedés a cannabinoid rendszer neurodegenerációra adott reaktív megnyilvánulása lehet, mely indokolja az AK Braak I-II neuropatológiai stádiumú agyminták kontrolltól különálló csoportba való sorolását. Az Alzheimer kóros prefrontális minták illetve Parkinson kóros putamen és nc caudatus minták esetében, a vizsgált betegségek végső stádiumaiban is ép CB1R populáció alternatív kezelési célpont lehet. Kálium-disztribuciós eljárással egyértelműen elkülöníthető az ischaemiás károsodást szenvedett agyterület az ép régióktól 100 µm vastagságú humán teljes hemispherium metszeteken. A módszer kombinálható a teljes féltekei autoradiográfiával és „térképként” szolgálhat a szomszédos agyterületekkel való összehasonlítás és agyszövet mintavétel során. | Despite the important reduction of dopamine (DA) D2/D3 binding sites in PD nucleus caudate, the increased sensitivity of the remained DA D2/D3 receptors maintains signal transduction effectiveness near to control levels, suggesting functional compensation of DA depletion. In PD middle frontal and cingulated gyrus DA D2/D3 receptor density and sensitivity were on control levels. This supports that dopaminergic neurotransmission of distinct PD brain regions is affected in different extent explaining the gradual appearance of extrastriatal symptoms during PD progression. The novel 125I-SD7015 radioligand (cannabinoid type-1 receptor - CB1R - agonist) detected with high precision CB1R density differences between control and AD prefrontal cortex specimens. In AD Braak I-II sample groups CB1R density was evidently above control levels, suggesting that Braak I-II samples should be studied separately from controls. During the whole progression of AD and PD CB1R densities in prefrontal cortex as well as putamen and nc caudate, respectively, remained on or above control levels showing that CB1R population could serve as alternative target for treatment. Potassium staining method unequivocally differentiated the infarcted brain areas from the intact regions in case of human whole hemisphere sections. This method can be combined with our autoradiographic techniques using whole hemisphere sections; this ’brainmap’ provides base of regional comparison and guide for targeted tissue sampling

    SDN based testbeds for evaluating and promoting multipath TCP

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    Multipath TCP is an experimental transport proto- col with remarkable recent past and non-negligible future poten- tial. It has been standardized recently, however the evaluation studies focus only on a limited set of isolated use-cases and a comprehensive analysis or a feasible path of Internet-wide adoption is still missing. This is mostly because in the current networking practice it is unusual to configure multiple paths between the endpoints of a connection. Therefore, conducting and precisely controlling multipath experiments over the real “inter- net” is a challenging task for some experimenters and impossible for others. In this paper, we invoke SDN technology to make this control possible and exploit large-scale internet testbeds to conduct end-to-end MPTCP experiments. More specifically, we establish a special purpose control and measurement framework on top of two distinct internet testbeds. First, using the OpenFlow support of GÉANT, we build a testbed enabling measurements with real traffic. Second, we design and establish a publicly available large-scale multipath capable measurement framework on top of PlanetLab Europe and show the challenges of such a system. Furthermore, we present measurements results with MPTCP in both testbeds to get insight into its behavior in such not well explored environment

    Egy előzetes archeomalakológiai vizsgálat eredményei a kora neolit Alsónyék-Bátaszék lelőhelyről

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    Remnants of several cultures have been found since the mid-2000s on a large-scale archaeological rescue excavation at the borders of Alsónyék - Bátaszék, SW Hungary. Partial processing of the malacological material of Starcevo culture from the so-called Bátaszék-Mémökségi Telep has been carried out in recent years at the Department of Geology and Paleontology, University of Szeged. Following the taxonomic identification, heights and widths of the shells were determined, then the size distribution and the geochemical analysis were implemented. Geochemical results show that specimens were collected in a different hydrodynamic environment compared to the current conditions of the river Danube. Based on the samples, two periods can be separated, one with flood and high water velocity and one with a more stable conditions after the flood events. Similar results can be found at different non-Danubian archaeological sites with the same ages

    Analysis of the bioclimatic conditions within different surface structures in a medium-sized city : Szeged, Hungary

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    A városklíma kutatásokon belül a humán bioklimatológia napjaink egyik legdinamikusabban fejlődő részterülete. Az utóbbi években számos indexet fejlesztettek ki annak számszerűsítésére, hogy mekkora az emberi szervezetet érő hőterhelés különböző környezetben, illetve milyenek az emberi test és a környezete közötti energiaáramlási viszonyok. Jelen vizsgálatunkban egy esettanulmányt mutatunk be Szeged (160 000 lakosú város Magyarország délkeleti határszélén) példáján, melyben egy kis mintaterület bioklimatikus viszonyait elemezzük. Bioklimatológiai szempontból alapvető fontosságú, hogy a vizsgált test direkt sugárzásnak kitett, vagy árnyékban lévő ponton helyezkedik-e el. Mintaterületünk a város magas beépítettségű belvárosi régiójában található, szűk utcakanyonok jellemzik, 20-30 éves (20-30 m magas) útszéli fasorral. A sugárzási viszonyok tehát ezen feltételeknek megfelelően módosulnak. Tanulmányunkban bemutatjuk, hogy hogyan reagálnak a különböző bioklíma indexek-értékek (például a PMV-Predicted Mean Vote és a PET-Physiological Equivalent Temperature) a felszíni struktúra megváltoztatására. Az indexszámításokat RayMan modell segítségével végeztük. Summary - Human biometeorological approaches have an important role in applied urban climatology. Several different thermal indices were developed in the last decades to describe human comfort or heat stress of the human body based on the energy fluxes between the body and environment In this study some results of recent biometeorological investigations in a south-eastern Hungarian city, Szeged (population 160,000) are presented. From point of view of human biometeorology, the key question is whether the examined body is in the shade or is exposed to direct radiation. Our sample area is in a heavily built-up city centre region with narrow streets and several 20-30 year old (20-30 m tall) trees, so radiation fluxes are determined basically by these factors. This paper shows how the bioclimatic indices, Predicted Mean Vote (PMV), Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) depend on the situation of radiation at a certain place. It was examined what is the relation between the structure and possible changes of the built-up area and the indices. All the calculations, Tom, PMV and PET were performed with RayMan model

    Synthesis of Azoles Condensed with, or Linked to, Nitroxides

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    Nitroxides connected to indoles, tetrazoles, or 1,3,4-oxadiazoles were synthesized by conventional and microwave-assisted cyclization reactions. New approaches to pyrrole-, pyrazole-, and triazoleannulated nitroxides are described. We showed that Diels–Alder reactions of the N-tert-butoxycarbonyl derivative of (4,4,6,6-tetramethyl- 2,4,6,7-tetrahydro-5H-pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyridin-5-yl)oxidanyl gave polycyclic scaffolds condensed with a six-membered nitroxide


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    3-Substituted and 3,4-disubstituted pyrroline nitroxides containing an ethynyl group or two ethynyl groups were achieved by the reaction of a paramagnetic aldehydes with dimethyl (1-diazo-2-oxopropyl)phosphonate (Bestmann–Ohira reagent). The new compounds containing an ethynyl group were found to be useful building blocks in Sonogashira coupling, cyclization, and cycloaddition reactions producing potentially “azido-specific” cross-linking spin labels, paramagnetic ligands, and polyradical scaffold

    3D Deep Learning on Medical Images: A Review

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    The rapid advancements in machine learning, graphics processing technologies and availability of medical imaging data has led to a rapid increase in use of deep learning models in the medical domain. This was exacerbated by the rapid advancements in convolutional neural network (CNN) based architectures, which were adopted by the medical imaging community to assist clinicians in disease diagnosis. Since the grand success of AlexNet in 2012, CNNs have been increasingly used in medical image analysis to improve the efficiency of human clinicians. In recent years, three-dimensional (3D) CNNs have been employed for analysis of medical images. In this paper, we trace the history of how the 3D CNN was developed from its machine learning roots, give a brief mathematical description of 3D CNN and the preprocessing steps required for medical images before feeding them to 3D CNNs. We review the significant research in the field of 3D medical imaging analysis using 3D CNNs (and its variants) in different medical areas such as classification, segmentation, detection, and localization. We conclude by discussing the challenges associated with the use of 3D CNNs in the medical imaging domain (and the use of deep learning models, in general) and possible future trends in the field.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Environmental historical analysis of the Gepidic settlement of Rákóczifalva

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